Privacy Policy

At The Perfumaria; we are committed to protecting your privacy. You have chosen to do business with us, and we recognize our obligation to keep the information you provide secure and to inform you of our policies concerning its use. You can be sure that our commitment to protect your information will continue under the principles and online guidelines described below. 

If you have any questions about this privacy statement and the practices of this site; please email us at We reserve the right to make changes to this policy. Any changes to this policy will be posted. Note, the privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this web site only. If you link to other web sites, please review the privacy policies posted at those sites.

What information do we collect and when do we collect it?

As you use the Internet, a trail of electronic information is left at each web site you visit. This information, which is sometimes referred to as "clickstream data," can be collected and stored by a web site's server. Clickstream data can tell us the type of computer and browsing software you use and the address of the web site from which you linked to our Web site. We may use clickstream data as a form of aggregate information to anonymously determine how much time visitors spend on each page of our Web site, how visitors navigate throughout the Web site and how we may tailor our web pages to better meet the needs of visitors. This information may be used to improve our Web site or to share with business partners. Any collection or use of clickstream data will be anonymous and aggregate, and will not contain any personal information.

Why do we collect the information? 

We collect information to process and fulfill your order, to notify you of your order status and to help us understand our customers in order to create content and a web environment that is most relevant to you.

What about “cookies”?

To provide better service and a more effective web site, we sometimes use “cookies” as part of our interaction with your browser. A “cookie” is a small text file placed on your computer's hard drive by our web page server. “Cookies” are commonly used on web sites and do not harm your system. By configuring your preferences or options in your browser, you determine if and how a “cookie” will be accepted. We use “cookies” to determine if you have previously visited our web site and for a number of administrative purposes. These “cookies” do not collect personally identifiable information, and we do not combine information collected through “cookies” with other personal information to determine who you are or your email address.

How does The Perfumaria  protect customer information?

We use industry-standard technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data to help ensure its security. Our site have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Our servers are backed up regularly and protected by security systems.

Financial transactions are carried out using a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) that encrypts the data you provide to ensure privacy. We will notify you when you are using a page that is protected with SSL technology.

Will The Perfumaria disclose the information it collects to outside parties?

All the information collected on our website will be kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed or loaned to any outside company for any use.